Risk factors for outcomes in HIV-infected individuals were modeled. Adjusted prevalence ratios for respiratory symptoms, testing, or diagnoses and adjusted incidence rate ratios for diagnoses in HIV-infected compared to HIV-uninfected participants were determined. A pulmonary-specific questionnaire was administered yearly for three years to participants in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study ( MACS) and Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS). The objective of the study is to determine the impact of HIV on prevalence and incidence of respiratory disease in the current era of effective antiretroviral treatment. Several lung diseases are increasingly recognized as comorbidities with HIV however, few data exist related to the spectrum of respiratory symptoms, diagnostic testing, and diagnoses in the current HIV era. Gingo, Matthew R Balasubramani, Goundappa K Rice, Thomas B Kingsley, Lawrence Kleerup, Eric C Detels, Roger Seaberg, Eric C Greenblatt, Ruth M Holman, Susan Huang, Laurence Sutton, Sarah H Bertolet, Marnie Morris, Alison Pulmonary symptoms and diagnoses are associated with HIV in the MACS and WIHS cohorts. There was no recurrence of testicular cancer or pulmonary disease after the surgery. He received partial resection of the left lung and the lesion was diagnosed as granuloma. From these findings, the left lung tumor was diagnosed as pulmonary MAC disease. The culture and polymerase chain reaction of the bronchial sputum were positive for myobacterium avium-complex ( MAC). Transbronchial lung biopsy showed an invasion of multinucleated giant cells and granuloma. Because of its rapid growth, the tumor was thought to be a metastasis lesion of testicular cancer or pulmonary infection. Computed tomography showed a new mass in the left lung after 3 cycles of the chemotherapy. He was treated with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin. We performed high orchiectomy and pathological findings revealed testicular cancer. Mori, Kohei Teranishi, Jyn-Ichi Yoneyama, Shuko Ishida, Hiroaki Hattori, Yusuke Yumura, Yasushi Miyoshi, Yasuhide Kondo, Keiichi Uemura, Hiroji Noguchi, KazumiĪ 45 year-old-man was admitted to our hospital because of discomfort in his left scrotum.